Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Mathematics and Computing Science
MF 4.087
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
the Netherlands
phone: +31 (40) 2472984
e-mail: resing@win.tue.nl
Professional background
I studied mathematics at the University of Utrecht from 1980 until 1986. My master thesis was written under supervision of Prof. J.W. Cohen and dealt with the analysis of a two-dimensional queueing system. From 1986 until 1990 I worked on my Ph.D. thesis at Delft University of Technology under supervision of Prof. M.S. Keane and guidance of Dr. G. Hooghiemstra. The title of my thesis was Asymptotic Results in Feedback Systems. After finishing my thesis I spent 16 monthes as a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) in Amsterdam. Here, I worked, together with Prof. O.J. Boxma and supported by KPN Research, on the performance analysis of ATM networks. Since April 1992 I have a position as assistant professor in the Stochastic Operations Research group, here at Eindhoven University of Technology.